Trailers & Trailer Tents
New Car Trailers
& Mail Order Trailer Tent Spares
Specialist Suppliers of Spare Parts for
Conway, Cabanon & Sunncamp

South Wales Trailers
Our website now incorporates our sister company website
South Wales Trailer Tents
Winners of the Welsh Business Enterprise Awards for
Customer Service Excellence
We are also proud to sponsor both
Wales Air Ambulance & Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
Find us at:- Unit 11, South Cornelly Trading Estate
Porthcawl Road, South Cornelly. CF33 4RE.
Just 2 mins from Jnc.37 M4 (Behind the Esso Garage)
Tel: 07818 024273
Please Note: we DO NOT sell or service commercial trailers such as
Ivor Williams etc. NOR do we hire out trailers.
ALL our new trailer prices are 'Tow Away' prices... NO hidden 'add ons'
If you haven't yet had a tow bar fitted, we can deliver (locally FREE of charge) or recommend our local tow bar fitter for a great deal.

Most Major Credit & Debit Cards Accepted
Suppliers Of New Camping & Leisure
Trailers & Accessories
Specialists in Mail Order Spare Parts For
Conway Cabanon & Sunncamp Trailer Tents
Phone Our Spares Hotline 07818 024273 For Trailer Tents Spares............Same Day Dispatch

Photos immediately below show our SE2 Triple Load Height SY150...Come & check out this beauty....Solid bar sides & frame, zip opening cover, easy loading even in wet keeping your load dry. Supplied fully kitted out with all the extras all our Special Edition trailers have.Tow away price just £1099 inclusive.

Our fantastic SY150 Camping & General Purpose Trailer Range.....We've got them waiting for you. From a naked trailer - you can buy it plain or if you want, add your
own choice of mix & match accessories - but really, for the best value for money...go for our 'Unique' SY150 Special Edition model saving you well over £100 on all the extras we've fitted. Our NEW SE2 special edition will save you even more

Our Special Edition SY150:-
We have taken the stylish SY150 trailer, (manufactured by Erde - one of the largest manufacturers of trailers in Europe), fitted our own unique graphics, loaded it with accessories, then reduced the overall price by between £100 - £200 to give you an unbeatable deal...
Special edition 150 specification:-
1) New SY150 trailer
2) High side frame and high cover kit virtually doubling the loading space
3) Spare wheel fitted into a purpose designed underslung carrier
4) Unique S.W.T.T. Special Edition graphics
5) Heavy duty Jockey wheel, clamp and drawbar fitting kit
6) Coupling lock & key set (to lock the trailer onto towing vehicle when left unattended).
AND 7 (optional).....if you want/need extra security we can offer our specially discounted Security Pack containing Wheel Clamp & Hitchlock
We have two models in our SY150 Special Edition range.
The SY150 SE2 Tripple Height you can see above
and immediately below is our SY150 SE1 Double Height model.
We Believe Our Unique 150 SE's are Unbeatable value
for money as are all the150 range.....................
And Here It Is...The Stunning Special Edition SY150 SE...
Our most popular camping trailer.

Tow away our Unique (Yes, our 150 SE's are Unique to us) Special Edition SY150 SE1 for just
£875 Thats the Tow Away price...No added extra charges.

Fully loaded with all the
special edition extras.
This amazing price IS the
Tow Away price
The Sleek Modern SY Trailer Range
SY120, SY150, SY190 & SY301
are all shown below
Manufactured by Erde
Europe's largest trailer manufacturer
All dimensions below are overall sizes of the trailer. Internal loading dimensions may differ slightly.
Please note:......Due to the HUGE popularity of the SY150 model we now only keep this model in stock.
The SY100, SY120 & SY190 trailers are to order only...We can supply them on a next day basis in almost all cases if needed quickly.
TO VIEW the standard SY150 & both sizes of SY150 Special Editions just call 07818 024273 - Viewings are available daily up to 7.00pm by arrangement.
SY 100 ..... 110 x 90 x 38
The SY100 - popular size tipping trailer with drop down tailgate.
Increase your carrying volume to 110 x 90 x 68 with the fitting of
a full high side frame and cover kit.

Note: Cover & jockey post are optional extras and are not included in basic price...

Note: Jockey post is an optional extra and is not included in the basic price
SY 120..... 125 x 97 x 41
The SY120 is a versatile size trailer that fits midway between the SY100 & SY150.
Increase your carrying volume to 125 x 97 x 71 with with high side frame and cover kit.

Note: Jockey post & cover shown are optional extras and are not included in the basic trailer price

Note: Jockey post shown is an optional extra and not included in the basic trailer price
SY 150.....150 x 105 x 40.
The 150 is the most popular size in the range and is by far our biggest seller, equally suitable for camping or general purpose use. Its fitted with larger wheels and is a purposeful & highly useful medium size trailer with large load carrying ability.

Heavy duty jockey wheel as shown in photo is an optional extra..
Increase your carrying volume to 150 x 105 x 70 with high side frame and cover kit.

Heavy duty jockey wheel as shown in photo is an optional extra upgrade
OR, why not go for our fully loaded Special Edition version for just £65 extra
See the spec. of our unbeatable value SY150 Spcl. Ed. shown further above
SY 190 Big Boy
This 6'4" x 4' / 191 x 121 x 40 nicknamed the 'Big Boy' has a huge load area and is fitted with large 13" wheels & tyres for big load carrying.
This is our most popular trailer for owners with wood burning stoves, small business owners and those who need a good size carrying capacity...however, the SY190 is also ideal for campers with larger than average amount of holiday kit.

£860including FREE heavy duty jockey wheel.
Increase your carrying volume to a massive 191 x 121 x 70 with a high side frame and cover kit. (to order)​

including FREE heavy duty jockey wheel

SY301 Motorcycle Trailer
SY 301 carries m/cycles up to 240Kg
Accessories available include: Loading ramp, Spare wheel with free spare wheel carrier. Handlebar tie down kits.
Available to order only (approx 2 days or if you are in a hurry, via overnight courier for £15 extra)

Spare wheel shown in photo is an optional extra
We also stock a selection of quality used trailer tents,
which you can view on our sister website:
SWT offer a selection of original equipment and after market accessories suitable for all our trailers
Optional extras include:
Waterproof Load Covers
Spare Wheels & Carriers
Spare Wheel Covers
Cargo Nets
Jockey Post & fitting kits
Jockey Wheels & fitting kits (heavy duty)
Fibre glass lockable lids
High Side Extension Kits
High Side Covers
Loading Ramps (motorcycle trailers)
Handlebar tie down kit (motorcycle trailers)
+ ...don't forget security....
High Visibilty Security Hitch Locks
Wheel Clamps
Coupling lock & key sets (to lock trailer to towing vehicle)
and more.
All Our Listed Prices are
'Tow Away Prices'
No hidden add ons!!....
No box of parts to assemble yourself!!.....
All trailers are professionally built
& further receive a full P.D.I. before you tow away. All our new trailers come with
manufacturers warranty &
European Type Approval Certification.
(as per latest legislation)
South Wales Trailer Tents
Just 2 mins from Jnc 37 M4
Unit 11 South Cornelly Trading Estate
Porthcawl Road
South Cornelly
CF33 4RE

Tel: 07818 024273
For full directions on how to find us see the 'About us' page.
Website copyright: You are not permitted to copy or reproduce any part of this website, its contents, its text or photographs without our prior written consent.
South Wales Trailer Tents is a registered business, trade & domain name and any infringements or abuse of our intellectual property will result in legal action.